Getting Started with

In this tutorial, we will go through how to create your decentralized website using the website builder.
3 min readOct 3, 2022

1. Go to, click on the “Get Started” button:

2. Connect with your Wallet that owns .bnb domain:

3. Choose a domain that you want to setup a website, in this case bnbdotme.bnb:

4. Select a template, there are two templates right now:

  • Profile: For displaying your profile and social links
  • Sale: A “This domain is for sale” landing page, you can add the available marketplaces and the message (meaning) of the domain.

In this example I will go for “Profile”:

5. Template customization. Depends on the template you have selected, the available fields will be different:

6. Do some customization and fill up the fields. After that, click “Next”:

7. Here is the last step: DEPLOY. Your website is being built into files here and upload to IPFS network automatically, wait for the completion of first two process “Compile” and “IPFS”:

8. After the website is being uploaded to the IPFS network, a CID will display, that means you can browse the content from the IPFS network with this CID.

In this third step “Resolver”, it will check if your selected domain is using an IPFS compatible resolver so that we can deploy the IPFS CID on chain. In this case, I need to change the resolver first, click “Change Resolver”:

9. A transaction will appear from your wallet and require your confirmation. This transaction is interacting with Space ID’s registry contract and calling the “setResolver” method:

10. The last step is to “Activate” your website, this will set the IPFS CID to your domain on the resolver:

11. A transaction will appear from your wallet and require your confirmation. This transaction is interacting with the resolver contract, if this is the first time for this domain to interact after the resolver changed, the contract method will be “multicall”, which will do “setAddr” and “setContenthash” in one go (as we need to tell the new resolver our addr). For further transactions, only “setContenthash” will be called:

12. The transaction should be completed within a few seconds, my website is now available at !

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Unleash your Web3 .bnb domain across Web2 today

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